At Universal Cargo Delivery we pride ourselves in being able to provide unique logistics solutions to customers across a variety of industries. Our modern technology allows us to provide a customized set of tools to each and every customer. The following technologies are at your fingertips based on your unique needs:

  • Real-time shipment tracking info through our Webtrak portal
  • Access to shipment charges and status reports
  • Online quote and shipment submittal
  • EDI capabilities with leading vendors across the industry
  • Fully customizable automated email updates

We can cater our technological capabilities to your specific needs. If you don’t feel the need for any of these special features, our world-class customer service is always available by phone or email.

Technology Solutions

Universal Cargo Delivery has years of experience providing innovative and proven logistics solutions to businesses throughout the world. From our air freight services to our ocean freight services, we have the capabilities you need to get your goods to their destination. Cargo Logistics Group is an NVOCC with IATA certification, a DOT licensed truck broker, a fully-compliant IAC, and Dangerous Goods certified. To see how we can streamline your business with effective import and export services, contact us today.

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